Yea, so I seen a post from Zadidoll about the upcoming halloween collection from GDE a little over a week ago and jumped right on that. I bought the 2 shadow collections which contains 4 shadows each in the perfectly adorable black bags with gold stars. Great for the theme
Anyways, when I got them in the mail, I fell head over heels and nearly cried over the fact when I went to get more, my fave color was SOLD OUT! Tardy to the party I guess.
So here are the pictures of them in the bags and the Swatches!
From left to right
- Arsenic: a Glowing metallic copper
- Grave Robber: s shimmering black with brown undertones, maybe gold
- Funeral Parlor: a deep plum shimmery purple
- Zombie Bride: a deeper green than FrankenGlamour but with golden yellow undertone
- Hearse Ride: a Shimmering midnight black with silver undertones
- Bella Donna: a lovely teal blue with a brighter blue shimmer
- Parlor Tricks: a deep Lilac with silver sheen
- Bone Voyage: a bright silver with white shimmer
As you can see, these are highly pigmented and perfect for halloween or actually any day for me since I am a spooky little one.
I don't know if any of these are available anylonger.
Hope you enjoyed
Check out the website
Happy Halloween!!!!
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