ANNOUNCEMENT !!! New things to come from ASB!

Things have been very busy around here lately, new shipments coming in nearly everyday and new idea's popping around like bubbles in my brain.  I do have quite a few more reviews coming this week and the following weeks to come, but!!  Yes there is a BUT!

I have been pondering about a few things here and there. As you can see, I am a makeup lover.
I love being a Makeup Artist and MUB (Makeup Blogger)  but one of my dreams have been to start my own line of cosmetics!
I am a Vegan so of course my products would be Organic Au Natural..

First off on my list is to start early next year on this project, I am going to start crafting Lipsticks and Lip Butters in super cute tins that are easy to use. Don't get me wrong, I love tubes, but they melt, get messy and break easily, so why not tins?

My tins will have my personal insignia on the lip, possibly as a sticker, who knows, but the lipsticks will come with a mini lipstick brush for easy application.

The lip butters will be flavored, some will not be.  I will have 3-4 lines of different kinds
A Tinted Balm Collection
A Nude/Clear Flavored Balm Collection
A Kid friendly Tasty Collection
A Pure Fresh Collection.

I don't want to give out all the details yet of what will be coming, but it is going to be an amazing thing.

Also they will be very, very affordable and there will be samples available too, and I will be doing an Affiliates Program for other gurus and MUA's to affiliate me and get free products to review.

So that is the Major news that is going on right now.
I have a huge list compiled of products I need to buy to create this amazing line.
I hope to get a great following and good customers along the way.

And if anyone want's to become part of this and give me idea's or colors they would like made, feel free to contact me on the nav bar contact form.
If you make the color, the name of the balm/stick is up to you.

Thanks all and Have a Safe and Happy Halloween


Penulis : Unknown

Article ANNOUNCEMENT !!! New things to come from ASB! Unknown Monday, October 28, 2013. 0 Comment Post ANNOUNCEMENT !!! New things to come from ASB!