EOTD (Eye Of the Day) Featuring Glamourdolleyes

I am a huge comic nerd, I love Heroic comics of awesome superheroes that save people in need and decided to do an #eotd
*eye of the day*
What colors do you think of when you hear the word "HERO"?
I see stunning Superman Blue's, Radiant Spiderman Red's and Amazonian Wonder Woman Gold's!!
Colors that surely POP and bring attention.
So my bold creation with the amazing GlamourDollEyes pigments in
  • Bird?Plane!- Bright shimmering cool blue
  • Light Speed: Shimmering cool Gold
  • Spider-Sense: Deep Red/Burgundy with Golden sheen
So for this look I used a MAC 239 shadow brush to apply the pigments and a MAC 217 blending brush, and to create the perfect crease I used a MAC 266 Liner edged brush to make sure the colors stayed in a solid line.

To create this blue lid I slightly wet the 239 brush and patted the pigment on the lid  for a more pigmented look then slightly blended towards the middle of my lid for a drift effect.

Then I used the same brush and placed in the half middle of the eye into the corner of the eye.
I used the same brush to create an arched red over the entire brow bone and crease bringing it outward to meet the blue.
To finish the colors I placed the gold on the upper brow bone under the eyebrow for a sheer glow.

To finish this eye I used a Liquid pen liner from LORAC and Benefit Mascara winging out the liner for a dramatic effect.

And that is the eotd that I have dubbed


Hope you enjoy

Please visit
for more of these amazing shadows!!

Penulis : Unknown